Tuesday 8 February 2011

Drumming practice :

I just learnt and copied a Neil Peart [Rush] drum track in 2 takes but to be fair it was a fairly straightforward track rather than one of his more intricate and complicated drum tracks but thats not bad going at all but i was caught out by a couple of the infills as i forgot about them but they dont have to be exact as there has to be some improvisation on my part so i create different patterns as i go along while keeping time with it all.

I have been practising at home for 10 years and i try to learn to play to a different track every day where i mostly play to a song by listening through headphones asi dont know what else to do but i can keep time without that as i can hear the track in my mind which helps keep time like an inbuilt metronome or whatever its called.

You dont need a click track when you can hear it in your mind or more especially if you can feel it as when i play to something i can feel the rhythm as well as hearing it but i find it very difficult to play quietly or gently as i just prefer to use force so its loud.

Theres something else about it where i actually get a high from drumming as its very satisfying.

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