Friday 11 January 2008

friends? Update:

I saw my "Friend" the other day.completely neurotic as usual.It was too much so i had to leave.We met in the street.

She is quite interesting though. her father lives in a small stately home in Yorkshire that is leased or rented from the Queen.Her Step mother is worth 80 million.

She used to be a high class call girl who has apparently slept with David Bowie amongst others.She was also friends with Carlos Alamor Who played on lots of Bowie albums.

At some point she was a "personal assistant" to the King of Jordan. I know this is fact as i have seen the pictures.

She also worked for Stiff Records as she lived a few doors away.She was friends with Kirsty Macoll who died when she was hit by one of those moron Jetski people.

How i *HATE* JetSkis and the idiots that ride them.I would like too.......

Anyway she then got mixed up with drugs and became a heroin she left London to get away from it all.

I think a lot of her friends from that time are dead now.

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