Friday 15 July 2011

Fringe world:

I am living in a fringe world and so are you.

Heres a simple breakdown of Fringe World economics:

OMG OMG !! IF we dont raise the debt ceiling then the sky will turn upside down and planet Earth will implode and collapse in on itself so GIVE US MORE CASH and it will all be reversed ! so you give them more cash that you pay for but thats not enough so GIVE US MORE CASH or planet Earth and the entire monetary system will implode and the sky will collapse and the universe will potentially collapse and the results will be CATASTROPHIC !! but if you give us more cash then we can fix it all so you give them more cash but its not enough to avert the disaster and there will be dire consequences that will last far longer and will impact far harder than anything that has ever existed in the history of the universe if we are not bailed out so GIVE US MORE CASH !! so we give them yet more cash to stabilise the economy but its not enough as the short and long term recovery is much worse than we previously thought so unless you want to suffer the consequences that will be so far reaching that you could travel to the end of the universe and beyond we had better have another round of quantative easing OR ELSE THE SKY WILL COLLAPSE !!! so we give them even more cash but the recovery has gone into an irreversible decline that is much worse than expected SO GIVE US MORE CASH to reverse the irreversible economic collapse but its not enough and on and on it goes...........

Beam me up Scotty.

The only bailouts that i endorse would be bailing them all out from an aircraft flying at a high altitude without a parachute.

That was a slightly exaggerated version of what is going on at present and if you didnt realise that its all deliberate then you would think that Chimps are running the economic system but the truth is you are all being looted and scammed.

No jobs - no manufacturing base = mass unemployment which means less tax revenue which means more borrowing which means more debt which means more interest payments which means more debt which means more borrowing which means more debt which means more interest payments which means an even even bigger deficit and thats another million jobs transferred overseas which means less tax revenue which means more borrowing which means more interest payments which means more debt which means an even bigger defecit which means more debt which means more borrowing and on and on it goes.......

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