Murderers,Rapists,Racists,Looters and freelance raghead Islamist CIA proxies[Al Quaeda] officially accepted into the UN.
All rules are out of the window now.Of course all rules have been out of the window for quite some time but now it is officially official.
"UN approves Libya seat for former rebels
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press – 1 day ago
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations gave strong backing to Libya's former rebels Friday, handing their National Transitional Council the country's U.N. seat and then lifting and modifying some sanctions imposed on Moammar Gadhafi's regime.
The General Assembly's vote to accept the credentials of the National Transitional Council, which led the rebellion that ousted Gadhafi, gave its representative the right to speak at the United Nations. Libya's former deputy ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, who early on denounced Gadhafi and backed the rebels, addressed the Security Council hours later.
"Today is undoubtedly a decisive, historic day in the life of the Libyan people," Dabbashi said. "It is an indication that dictatorship has fallen, a period of terror, of denial of freedom, and of violation of human rights has now come to an end for the Libyan people."
"The fact that the National Transitional Council today takes Libya's seat at these United Nations indicates that a new page has been opened in history of the Libyan people — a page that has been marked by the blood of Libya's sons," he said.
Dabbashi spoke after the Security Council unanimously approved a resolution establishing a new U.N. mission in Libya in response to a request from the NTC for help in establishing the new government.
The resolution also unfreezes assets of two Libyan oil companies, lifts a ban on flights by Libyan aircraft and modifies an arms embargo to allow Libyan authorities now controlling the country to buy arms "intended solely for security or disarmament assistance."
Under the resolution, the no-fly zone imposed in March after Gadhafi launched his crackdown on regime opponents will remain in place but be kept under review.
The resolution lifts the asset freeze on the Libyan National Oil Corporation and Zueitina Oil Company and modifies the asset freeze on the Central Bank of Libya, the Libyan Foreign Bank, the Libyan Investment Authority and the Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio. But the Security Council retained the asset freeze and travel ban against Gadhafi and key family members and regime supporters.
The resolution establishes a United Nations Support Mission in Libya for an initial period of three months with a mandate to assist the new government in restoring security and the rule of law, promoting national reconciliation and embarking on the process of writing a constitution and preparing for elections. The NTC did not request any U.N. peacekeeping troops.
The NTC easily won support in the General Assembly earlier Friday to take the Libyan seat held by Gadhafi's government for the past 42 years.
In addition to allowing Dabbashi speak in the Security Council soon after, the vote means that a senior council official will be able to join world leaders and speak for Libya at next week's ministerial session of the General Assembly.
"This has been an historic day for Libya and a very good day for the United Nations," British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said.
"We all stand witness to the birth of a new Libya," U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said.
The resolution giving the NTC Libya's U.N. seat was approved by a vote of 114-17 with 15 abstentions, revealing divisions in Africa and Latin America over who should represent Libya.
Ahmed Omar Bani, a military spokesman for Libya's transitional government, said the U.N. decision proved that Gadhafi's regime was over.
"We are so proud because ... that means we are the right people who have the right to lead this country," Bani told The Associated Press.
The General Assembly's credentials committee had unanimously recommended that the former rebels be seated. Its chairman, Panama's U.N. Ambassador Pablo Antonio Thalassinos, said Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, who heads the NTC, had sent a letter seeking to take over Libya's seat.
But the committee's recommendation faced opposition from a left-leaning Latin America trade group, ALBA, that includes Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba among others.
Venezuela's U.N. Ambassador Jorge Valero, speaking on behalf of the group, accused NATO forces of carrying out "criminal air raids ... in order to install a puppet government" and said seating the council "would represent an abominable precedent."
The Southern African Development Community regional bloc also opposed giving the NTC credentials immediately, on the grounds that rebels did not yet constitute a government, but it failed to win support to defer the vote.
Egypt's U.N. Ambassador Maged Abdelaziz urged the General Assembly to seat the NTC, saying close to 90 U.N. member states have recognized the NTC as the only representative of the Libyan people. As Libya's neighbor, he said, Egypt "is the best witness of the most horrifying times that the people of Libya have lived as a result of an oppressive regime that ruled Libya for more than 40 years."
Associated Press writers Kim Gamel in Tripoli, Libya, and Anita Snow at the United Nations contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved."
Do you find this a little confusing ???
Its curious because for the last 10 years since we have had our rights trampled on by anti-terror legislation and been subjected to various media driven scare stories and fabricated Bin Laden videos and tapes and had our taxes wasted to the tune of trillions fighting ALCIADA and military personel have either been maimed or KIAd fighting ALQUAEDA and we have occupied two nations[not to mention incursions into the Yemen,Pakistan etc] under the pretext of fighting ALCIADA and we have watched 3 landmark buildings collapse after staged terrorist events that was blamed on ALCIADA and of course we have the tragedy of 3000 dead plus first responders after 9/11 that was blamed on ALCIADA/ALQUAEDA.
Now after all that and just 1 week after the 10th anniversary of 9/11 ALQUAEDA/Libyan rebel forces/Libyan Transitional Council are welcomed into the UN and are officially memebers.
This is all very convenient and the reason for this is that the UN resolution that sanctioned the offensive against Libya has only days left to run which was a problem because the ALCIADA rebel forces are not doing as well as expected and due to the unpopularity of NATO offensives against Libya it was easier to give the ALCIADA rebel forces a seat in the UN rather than going through the business of either extending the existing resolution or drafting another to continue attacking Libya.
This resolution unfreezes all of the Libyan cash and bank accounts[apart from what has already been stolen] and unfreezes assets like oil companies which means $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
A UN support mission.The UN support mission in Haiti has been a huge success for the people of Haiti[extreme sarcasm].
Of course it goes without saying that the UN have ignored the indiscriminate bombing of towns and cities and infrastructure and civilians courtesy of the US/NATO and the human rights violations and rape,murder and looting and race motivated persecution and killings courtesy of the Libyan ALCIADA rebel forces.
Now arms can be imported into Libya and also ground troops can now be imported into Libya although in truth they are already there but only in small amounts and mostly SpecOps and advisors.Now there will be the blue hatted UN peacekeeping forces and regular military personel since now the whole thing has been legitimised.Anything the UN wants to do will be given the go ahead.
If China and Russia veto it and try to stop any further action by the UN then they will find that they will have problems and it wont stop the UN but it will create more tension between the West and Russia and China which some have reason to believe is possibly going to lead to a confrontation between Russia/China and the US/NATO.The word is that it will be WW3 although the truth is WW3 is already going on as the definition of a world war is multiple theaters of conflict which are all for the same cause which is fighting ALQUAEDA/ALCIADA.
The self appointed always always always claim to speak for all of people they have imposed themselves on just like a dictatorship which is what this is as it is a regime that has been imposed on the people of Libya.
The UN and the CFR have publically admitted that it was always all about regime change and that the humanitarian pretext was largely fabricated and a front that made it easier to sell to the gullible public who were sold it through propaganda that was spread through the Liberal corporate media like the Guardian and the BBC in the UK.
"Today is undoubtedly a decisive, historic day in the life of the Libyan people," Dabbashi said. "It is an indication that dictatorship has fallen, "
Is it really ?
Did the Libyan people have any say in this ?
"It is an indication that dictatorship has fallen"
Really ?
I dont think so as one dictatorship has been replaced by another dictatorship that is far far far worse than Gadaffi ever was.It has got off to a very good start so far.....
"a period of terror, of denial of freedom, and of violation of human rights has now come to an end for the Libyan people."
I dont think so as it has only just started if you dont discount murder,rape and looting and bombing and incarceration etc etc.Again this is far far worse than anything that went on under Gadaffi.
I am forgetting that the bombing is humanitarian peace bombing and the raping and murder and persecution and incarceration of the opposition to the useful idiot ALCIADA forces is part of the plan to create a free and open democratic society in Libya.
Its very clear now that the UN is a terrorist organisation.
This one world govt in action.
And to think that i was attacked and persecuted for objecting to this to the point that someone took it upon themselves to call me a "fucking idiot" and attempt to have me banned from a forum simply for expressing an opinion while decrying the Gadaffi regime for persecuting others that spoke out against it in Libya.
Enough said about that.
Gadaffi was very stupid and naive and was duped and exploited by the treacherous economic hitman known as Tony Blair who sweet talked and seduced Gadaffi with all kinds of things and encouraged Gadaffi to switch all of the cash into accounts at Goldman Sachs etc.This was the biggest mistake Gadaffi ever made and would ultimately be his undoing.....
Stupid Gadaffi.Having said that a certain amount of bribery went on as well concerning Lockerbie suspects etc but Gadaffi should have understood the nature of who he was doing deals with but he was probably doing so on the part of Libya with good intentions at the time.
"Libyan opposition sets out vision for "Free and civil society"
Yes of course it does and 2+2 = 5 as well.